
Hello Friends. Congratulations! You might wonder why I’m congratulating you at the beginning of this blog post. I couldn’t be happier to know that you’ve decided to try journaling.

In the beginning, journaling is just writing down whatever comes to mind about any situation. Be honest with yourself when writing down your feelings. Whether it’s anger, anxiety, feeling lost, or embarrassment,.

I promise you that you will never regret this moment. and your future self will always thank you for starting this beautiful journey. 

How I Started My Journaling Journey 

So it was my 19th birthday, and I wanted to start a good habit from that day. I just purchased a journal, and I didn’t know what I wanted to write in that diary. I was just quite impressed by Anne Frank.

I tried writing something in it for a few weeks but wanted more. It shouldn’t seem too embarrassing, and all the irrelevant thoughts were messing with my brain.

Then one day, when I was feeling overwhelmed, I wrote whatever was eating my mind, and I felt good and free. That day, I understood there were no rules for writing a journal. It is my diary, and I can write whatever I want.

 I didn’t care if my handwriting was looking bad; who would judge me, And now those thoughts that were just in my mind and I was imagining the worst conclusion of them were suddenly in written form. I was not scared of them anymore. 

Why Start Journaling?

Journaling is a very powerful tool for personal growth and emotional well-being. This has many benefits, whether you want to stress less, get clarity on an issue, or just understand yourself better through the process. Here’s why you should consider getting started:

  • Emotional Wellness: Journaling provides a safe space to express all your feelings, emotions, and doubts. It can help you to feel less anxiety and stress.
  • Mental clarity: This is the biggest benefit for me. This can help develop better decision-making and problem-solving skills. For example, if you are stressed about a situation and you write it in your journal, you can conclude it. Because now, everything that comes to mind regarding any situation will end. Moreover, you will not suffer in your imagination.
  • Self Discovery: When you start writing in your journal, you will discover all the new information about yourself on a whole new level. You understand your behavior, your trigger points, traumas, your likes and dislikes, etc.
  • Feeling grateful: When you write down all your achievements, downfalls, obstacles, and your entire journey and read all those pages once. You start seeing yourself as a strong soldier who does not give up on you, even in the worst situations.

 This can make you feel very grateful about yourself and about God, who gave you all the strength to go through all this.

Why You Should Buy Different Types of Journals

When you start journaling, you don’t care about journal accuracy or anything. But take this a little seriously, the biggest mistake people make is when they write about their manifests in a diary, in which they write about their regrets, biggest mistakes, disappointments, regrets, and shadow parts. 

This can create a negative impact on your manifestations, even if you don’t believe that energy matters.

You always want to manifest success, happiness, good health, love, and many other good things, and you cannot expect those good things to be fulfilled in an environment in which you are uncomfortable even accepting that they are part of you. 

So I would suggest you buy yourself a manifestation journal. You can buy yourself 4 to 5 journals and a simple notebook for any additional creativity or things that come to mind, and believe me, that notebook will become your best friend like your diary.

What to Write About: Finding Your Voice

Now you have bought or want to buy a lot of journals but you don’t know which areas of ​​life or things you should write about. Don’t put so much pressure on your little mind. Your older sister is here to guide you, so you don’t need to worry about this.

  1. Daily Reflections: You can give accurate information about daily experiences in this diary. You should write about the entire story of the negative experience. So that you can have a good outlook in any situation.
  2. Gratitude Journals: Gratitude is very important in our lives to attract abundance, love, money, and every good thing. When you feel gratitude towards those things, you feel less stress and anxiety, it also strengthens your relationships with everyone.
  3. Future goals and dreams: Journaling about these things will give you a great perspective on achieving all your dreams. You will have a solid plan with fewer mistakes, and you can track all your achievements and growth through it.
  4. Emotional Processing: In this journal, you can write about your stress, trauma, shadow work, and regrets. This will give you a new way of looking at your situation. When those situations are in our minds, we think very emotionally, but when we see them in written form, our perspective on that story can be completely different.

The Importance of Looking Back

Journal entries can be the best way to see your personal growth and be proud of yourself.  Whenever I read my past journal entries, I sometimes feel bad that I have been through so much, feel proud, laugh, and understand those situations and myself in a new way.

 I understand why I reacted that way, why that bad thing was so important to my well-being, how God protected me from all the bad things, and how far I have come.

Ah, this feeling is something else. I wish I could write down those feelings. It gives you strength to see how many times you saved yourself, and God never let you down. Trust me, he will never fail you.

How My Journaling Journey is Progressing 🌱✨

Since I started this journey, I have seen a lot of positive changes in myself, My journals are like my best friend, and right now I have 5 journals about different topics, and 3 of them are prompt journals. I can’t even imagine my life without them.

 I am very grateful to God for everything he has done for me and has done for me. I am also grateful to him for always being there for me. And I have plenty of evidence as to how many times I was directed at it.

 Life has a new meaning for me, it’s about experiencing and learning. And most importantly, I no longer see myself as a victim but as a brave soldier who is giving 100% to become the best version of herself.

Important Note: Sometimes we feel so stressed about writing every day. But please don’t take it as a chore, enjoy it. I try to journal daily, but sometimes I slip up, and that’s normal. Your big sister is here to guide you, so nothing will go wrong.

Conclusion: Your Journaling Journey Begins

If you are still here, I am sure you are very serious about this goal and want to change your life completely positively. Start small; this journey is a powerful step towards self-discovery and personal growth.

 You are walking towards your desired self. Please don’t be hard on yourself, sometimes it can feel disgusting because it can trigger the part of you that you are very afraid of and also open up. But at the end of the day, it will be worth it.

 Months or years later, when you look at yourself, you will be very proud of yourself for not giving up and not giving up on yourself. Just enjoy this journey, and your big sister and God are supporting you, and we know you are valued.

Bonus: 10 Journal Prompts to Kickstart Your Writing

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
  2. What are three things that every parent should do? Why are these things important?
  3. Write about your favorite childhood toy.
  4. Describe a place where you feel most at peace. What makes it special?
  5. Five years from now, I will be…
  6. Describe an event that changed your life forever, or make up and describe an event that would change your life forever.
  7. Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.
  8. What fears are holding you back, and how can you address them?
  9. Describe a recent interaction that made you feel appreciated or valued.
  10. Write about a book, movie, or song that has had a profound impact on you.